Fantasia Language School Swahili Courses

El nivel de principiantes/The Beginners Level


The beginners’ course is intended for those who do not have any knowledge of Kiswahili or who have little knowledge of speaking and understanding oral Kiswahili

The course begins with elementary lessons such as greetings and self-introduction and finishes up with lessons of self-expression in everyday life e.g. at grocery stores, at a bank, at a post office, making telephone calls, etc.


El curso para principiantes está dirigido a aquellos que no tienen ningún conocimiento de kiswahili o que tienen poco conocimiento de hablar y comprender el kiswahili oral.

El curso comienza con lecciones elementales como saludos y autopresentación y termina con lecciones de autoexpresión en la vida cotidiana, ej: supermercados, bancos, oficinas de correos, llamadas telefónicas, etc.


Description: This is a 4-6 weeks course for students who would like to learn conversational Swahili starting with the basics.
Dedication: 4 hours per week.
Language of Instruction: Spanish.
Age: Not limited.

Intermediate Level/Nivel intermedio

Language advancement/Avance del idioma

The Intermediate Course is taken by those students who have a fair previous knowledge of Swahili. They may have completed the beginner’s course with us or those who have learned Kiswahili somewhere else.

After completing the course the students will be able to:

  •  Write short notes – personal and official.
  •  Read Swahili newspapers, stories, novels and understand Swahili radio and television news with ease
  •  Prepare and write short functional speeches.


El curso intermedio lo toman aquellos estudiantes que tienen un conocimiento previo razonable del swahili. Es posible que hayan completado el curso para principiantes con nosotros o aquellos que hayan aprendido kiswahili en otro lugar.

Después de completar el curso, los estudiantes podrán:

  •   Escriba notas breves, personales y oficiales.
  •   Lea periódicos, historias y novelas en suajili y comprenda las noticias de radio y televisión en suajili con facilidad
  •   Preparar y redactar breves discursos funcionales.

Description: This is a 6-8 weeks course for students who would like to l advance their Swahili conversational skills and understand the rules of the language.
Dedication: 4 hours per week.
Language of Instruction: Spanish.
Age: Not limited.

Advanced Level/Nivel avanzado

Language proficiency/Dominio del idioma

The Advanced Course is  intended for advanced students. This level is suitable for researchers, trainers, extension workers etc. Students who complete this stage will be able to speak Kiswahili more fluently than before.


El curso avanzado está destinado a estudiantes avanzados. Este nivel es adecuado para investigadores, formadores, extensionistas, etc. Los estudiantes que completen esta etapa podrán hablar kiswahili con más fluidez que antes.


Description:  This is an 8 -12 weeks course which is suitable for researchers, trainers, extension workers etc.
Dedication: 3-4 hours per week.
Language of Instruction: Spanish.
Age: Adults only. 

Swahili Literature Course/Curso de Literatura Swahili

Research Competence/Competencia Investigadora

Usually the course is intended for students who may wish to carry out research or study Kiswahili literature, traditions and culture of the Swahili people. It should also help those who wish to undertake a comparative linguistic study and make themselves familiar with Kiswahili authors and actors, past and present. Students at this level study all forms of Swahili literature.


Por lo general, el curso está destinado a estudiantes que deseen realizar una investigación o estudiar la literatura, las tradiciones y la cultura kiswahili del pueblo swahili. También debería ayudar a quienes deseen emprender un estudio lingüístico comparado y familiarizarse con los autores y actores kiswahili, pasados y presentes. Los estudiantes de este nivel estudian todas las formas de literatura Swahili.